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RainRock Eating Disorder Centers Talk
Anorexia and Bulimia Treatment Center Promotion
Written by RainRock in Eugene
February 19, 2010 08:52:35 PM in Medical and Fitness | Eating Disorder Centers | Eugene
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Eating disorders are not usually fun or comfortable topics to discuss, but no one can help a patient through them better than Monte Nido and Rain Rock.  Branches of the same eating disorder treatment center, Monte Nido helps those suffering from eating disorders in Malibu, California, while Rain Rock is home to in-patients in Eugene, Oregon.
Monte Nido and Rain Rock use spirituality, exercise routines, and healthy eating techniques to coach patients back to health, and offer both in- and out-patient programs for those seeking treatment.  They offer patients a serene and relaxed atmosphere, in which the struggles of the world are replaced with the joys of inner peace.
For additional information regarding Monte Nido and Rain Rock Eating Disorder Treatment Centers, visit www.MonteNido.com/RainRock